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Xi Jinping wraps up first visit to Europe in 5 years, but trade issue remains



Xi Jinping wraps up first visit to Europe in 5 years, but trade issue remains

While there were no big ticket Airbus orders, the second leg showed that even as ties with western Europe worsen, China can find willing partners in major capitals, who are eager to pursue national interests while leaving the tough talking to Brussels.

Last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz voiced his distaste at the idea of EU duties on EVs made in China, while the French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said the country welcomed Chinese investment into the sector – an open secret that is thought by many to have guided Paris’ support for Brussels’ probe. Xi was seen off by Macron on a rainy runway in southern France having yielded few, if any major concessions, and navigated one of his toughest overseas visits since the pandemic largely unscathed.

From there, it was onto Belgrade and Budapest, where the Chinese leader was feted without any thorny questions on overcapacity and Ukraine. In Serbia and Hungary, China was welcomed on visits to critical infrastructure projects, something that would be hard to imagine in the west of the continent today given the security concerns harboured in capitals there. Xi upgraded ties with both countries, recommending their relations with Beijing as a model for the rest of the continent.


Emmanuel Macron thanks Xi Jinping for ‘commitment’ not to sell arms to Russia

Emmanuel Macron thanks Xi Jinping for ‘commitment’ not to sell arms to Russia

Belgrade, he said, was “an example for China’s friendly relations with other European countries”. In Budapest – capital of Hungary, the EU and Nato member state often criticised for autocratic leanings – Xi said China supports the country in “playing a bigger role in the EU and promoting greater progress in China-EU relations”. The message received in Europe was: play your cards right, and all this investment could be yours.

But it is unlikely that either country will play the role China would like. Both Hungary and Serbia have moved farther from the European centre of gravity in recent years, and many neighbouring countries have withdrawn or toned down their membership of the Beijing-backed 14+1 grouping – formerly a bloc of 17. Some of Europe’s most hardline governments towards China, meanwhile, can be found in the Baltics and Central Europe.

Hungary, in particular, has become an outlier within both the EU and Nato. It has stalled multiple EU sanction packages against Russia and publicly dismissed the suggestion that Europe should examine its ties with Beijing, though it has not prevented such language from appearing in official European Council conclusions.


Xi Jinping hails ‘new chapter’ for China’s relations with Serbia as Belgrade backs his global vision

Xi Jinping hails ‘new chapter’ for China’s relations with Serbia as Belgrade backs his global vision

Last week, Brussels officials were cursing Viktor Orban’s government after Budapest blocked a joint EU statement criticising a controversial “foreign agent law” in Georgia, the former Soviet state. Serbia, for its part, has been warned that it would have to drop its free-trade agreement the moment it gains membership of the EU, an eventuality that looks more distant than ever.

Xi’s trip, then, succeeded in bringing China’s two major European allies closer to its orbit, but should not overstate the influence either capital has. He also showed that China can maintain cordial working relationships with some of Europe’s most powerful leaders.

But it was clear that the tough line on trade is here to stay. While some capitals may disagree with Brussels’ increasingly dramatic tactics, messages last week showed that the strategy has been broadly backed by the continent’s most powerful constituents.

60-Second Catch-up

Deep dives

Illustration: Lau Ka-kuen

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Photo: German embassy in Beijing

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to China generated a lot of discussion. Some said it was very successful while others criticised him for not being tough enough on issues such as the Ukraine war. What do you think both sides achieved from this trip?
Illustration: Henry Wong

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When China rolled out the red carpet for foreign heads at its Belt and Road Forum last October, the Serbian and Hungarian leaders were the only two European names on the guest list.
Photo: AFP

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Photo: Getty Images

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Photo: Xinhua

Chinese leader’s Serbia visit ‘timed to increase tensions’: US official

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Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Serbia on the 25th anniversary of the Nato bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was “timed to increase tensions” with the West, a senior US official has said.
Xi touched down in the Serbian capital on Tuesday as part of a three-stop tour of Europe, his first visit to the continent since 2019.
Photo: Bloomberg

EU firms, wary of political heat, give China’s belt and road the cold shoulder

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Duisport, the German operator of Europe’s largest inland hub for water and land shipping, has invested US$30 million in a cross-border railway hub in Chongqing, an important logistics node for the initiative – China’s global strategy to enhance regional connectivity through infrastructure.

Global Impact is a weekly curated newsletter featuring a news topic originating in China with a significant macro impact for our newsreaders around the world.

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