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Wayve bags $1.05B, milk peptides to treat depression, and 10 Irish startups to watch



Wayve bags .05B, milk peptides to treat depression, and 10 Irish startups to watch

This week our research tracked more than,65 tech funding deals worth over €2.9 billion, and over 10 exits, M&A transactions, rumours, and related news stories across Europe. In addition to this week’s top financials, we’ve also indexed the most important/industry-related news items you need to know about.

If email is more your thing, you can always subscribe to our newsletter and receive a more robust version of this round-up delivered to your inbox.

Either way, let’s get you up to speed. 

💸 Notable and big funding rounds

🇬🇧 Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Softbank invest $1.05B in autonomous driving company Wayve

🇬🇧 UK fintech Abound secures up to £800M to expand access to fair credit

#🇬🇧 iwoca secures £270M in debt funding to support SME lending

🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 Noteworthy acquisitions and mergers

🇫🇷 Samsung Medison to acquire French AI ultrasound startup Sonio for $92.7 million

🇪🇸 Freepik acquires Spanish AI image upscaler Magnific

🇬🇧 Regtech CUBE acquires peer Reg-Room#

🚀 Interesting moves from investors

🇬🇧 Coreweave invests £1B in UK data centres

🛟 Investcorp closes $570M fund for cybersecurity and fintech

🔫 EIB steps up defence support with SME-friendly policies

🇪🇺 Arjun closes Infrastructure Alliance Europe 2 fund at €1.1bn

💲Innova Capital closes latest fund at €407m

🗞️ In other (important) news

🇬🇧 Scale AI chooses UK for European HQ

💲 Monument Bank latest challenger bank to sell “in a box” tech, as snaps up first client

🇹🇷 Highlights of corporate venture capital in Turkey

📡 Recommended reads and listens

🇮🇪 10 Irish startups to watch in 2024

🥛 Using milk peptides to treat depression

🛵 PURE EV and PDSL collaborate to develop an electric 2-wheeler with a solid-state battery tech

🥩 Meatly protein-free medium enables affordable, scalable cell-cultivated meat

🤖 Deep tech has dodged the worst of the funding downturn – here’s why

🔭 European tech startups to watch

🇧🇪 Oisoi Studio secures €450,000 funding for VR art tools

🇬🇧 Hexis, which uses advanced analytics to optimise athletes’ nutrition plans, has raised a £1.6M pre-seed round

🇨🇭Mimic raises $2.5M to challenge US robotics dominance with AI-driven humanoid hands

🇩🇰 Electricity Maps raises €5M for time-optimised energy usage

🇪🇸 BeAble Capital invests €174,000 in Ecogranular’s wastewater treatment tech

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