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Data privacy tops AI concerns for corporate… | Travolution



Data privacy tops AI concerns for corporate… | Travolution

New research from Business Travel Show Europe shines a light on what they love, loathe about the new technology

More than a third of corporate travel buyers in Europe have revealed data privacy is their primary concern when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, new research has shown.

A survey conducted by Business Travel Show Europe canvassed 130 buyers to ascertain their AI concerns and where they saw opportunities.

While 34 percent of respondents admitted they had concerns about data privacy threats from AI in business travel, by contrast, 42 percent of buyers said they were excited about the simplification and personalisation AI could bring.

A quarter (26%) were unconvinced by AI’s ‘limited ability to handle complex situations’, while 16 percent were simultaneously concerned it would deter travel professionals.  

A further 15 percent said AI would ‘depersonalise business relationships’ while 8 percent expressed concern that the technology would lead to ‘reduced need for face-to-face interaction’. 

“AI – and particularly generative AI – is THE topic on everyone’s lips, almost irrespective of the industry they are in,” said Louis Magliaro, BTN Group Executive Vice President. 

“For business travel, AI has the power to impact our industry positively and negatively. We’re already seeing – and have for some time through the use of chatbots – how it can enhance the personalisation of travel management.

“It also presents exciting opportunities for streamlining processes and increasing efficiency, but it’s crucial for organisations to address concerns around data privacy and ensure that AI complements rather than replaces human expertise when it comes to customer service, and human interaction when it comes to meetings and events,” she added.  

The new data comes off the back of recent TravelTech Show data that revealed that 56 percent of travel tech buyers were planning to invest in AI over the next 12 months.  

The Business Travel Show Europe data release is timely with this year’s event schedule to be held from 19-20 June 2024, at ExCeL, London. 

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